The Andy Griffith Show

7.8 / 10
23 min
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Seizoen 8, Aflevering 5

Opie Steps Up in Class

After Andy sends a reluctant Opie to a swanky boy’s camp over his summer vacation, he becomes fast friends with a boy from a rich family. As a result, Andy becomes worried that Opie has grown accustomed to living a rich lifestyle during his time away from the laid back way of life in Mayberry. It is after he comes home for lunch one day Opie has his friend over that he sees how lavish a lunch Aunt Bee prepared that he decides to sit them down to explain money doesn’t make life enjoyable, being yourself does.
Paul Hartman(Emmett Clark ), Joyce Van PattenSandy Kenyon
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Uitgezonden op:
9 Oktober 1967, 00:00
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The Andy Griffith Show