
7.7 / 10
26 min
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Seizoen 3, Aflevering 22

Core Focus

Van & Cheyenne decide it's time to become more independant, so they go apartment shopping. They find the perfect place but they don't have enough money. They ask Reba to co-sign and she refuses. They forge her signature on the lease only to be turned down due to Reba's poor credit. Brock breaks down to Reba about all the stuff he's done and the people he has hurt and they embrace in a tearful hug only to be seen by Barbara Jean. Reba confronts Barbara Jean after BJ tells Kyra that she caught the two of them in bed. She tells BJ that Brock loves her and she has no reason to worry. Brock comes home to talk to BJ, but first asks BJ if he could first talk to Reba for a minute. BJ tells Brock that this better be an important mintute and that he better figure everything out as she stomps out of the room. Reba trys to convince Brock to run after her and tell her that it wasn't a mistake that he left Reba for BJ. Brock then tells Reba that he believes it was a mistake...
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Uitgezonden op:
14 Mei 2004, 21:00
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