Real Time with Bill Maher

7.4 / 10
52 min
Comedy, Praatprogramma
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Seizoen 9, Aflevering 31

October 14, 2011

Guests: Pastor and Romney critic Dr Robert Jeffress, Magician Penn Jillette, Progressive talk radio host Thom Hartmann, CNBC host Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, American Spectator senior editor John Fund. Topics: The catholic church, faith vs good work, occupy wall street, Herman Cain's '999' plan, agnostics and atheism, morality without fear or reward, Obama's jobs plan, the fillibuster, attempts to dismantle the EPA, attack's on Mitt Romney's mormon faith.
John Fund(Self), Penn Jillette(Self)
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Uitgezonden op:
14 Oktober 2011, 00:00
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Real Time with Bill Maher