Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

8.4 / 10
44 min
Juridisch, Politie
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Seizoen 12, Aflevering 5


Detectives Benson and Stabler arrive on the scene where a woman is found dead in Bethesda Fountain. When her squeaky clean image doesn’t match up with her promiscuous actions on the night of her murder, ADA Mikka Von encourages the cops to dig deeper into her past.
Michael Boatman(Dave Seaver), Jason Jurman(Mitch Shankman), Melissa Benoist(Ava), Amanda Fuller(Emma Brooks), Paula Patton(Mikka Von), David Krumholtz(Ray Goldberg), Zach Grenier(Judge Miranski), David Furr(Greg Elding), Rosemary Harris(Francine Brooks), John Keating(Sassoon), Katie McGee(Reporter), Ebbe Bassey(Denny Gamm), April Armstrong(Reporter), Kate Rigg(CSU Tech), T.J. Edwards(Ray Castaneda), Lucy Owen(Lindsay Elding), Connor Fox(Jim), Yu Lew(MLI Tech), Hadley Delany(Aubrey Elding), Dan Kohler(Witt Worley), Lori Funk(Monica Worley), Brian Wallace(Bart Levin), Tyrone L. Robinson(Phil McPeal)
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13 Oktober 2010, 00:00
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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit