L.A. Law

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43 min
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Seizoen 7, Aflevering 9

Odor in the Court

Becker realizes why Flicker has kept Schuller on ice when they finally come face-to-face; Paros returns a favor to McKenzie by calling in a favor with the State's Attorney's office on the Osgood case; Brackman's playing with pheromones in an effort to revitalize his sex life gets him and the firm embroiled in two lawsuits; Morales represents a man suing the owners of a slaughterhouse who have set up business next to his weekend getaway home in the desert; Mullaney feels responsible for the mob violence that follows when he fails in his efforts to pull out all the stops in keeping a mentally ill man who murdered his wife from being released from a psychiatric facility; Gwen receives another package from her stalker.
Daniel BenzaliRobert HarperRobert KnepperHerb EdelmanShelley Berman(Ben Flicker), Gary KroegerPeggy McCay
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Uitgezonden op:
7 januari 1993, 00:00
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L.A. Law