La Casa de Papel

8.4 / 10
60 min
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Seizoen 1, Aflevering 8

Episode 8

When someone once again interferes with the police investigation, Raquel and Angel have to question each other's loyalties and friendship. In the light of Monica's well-being, Arturo comes up with a risky escape plan for them and a group of a few other hostages. Rio is faced with a difficult decision that involves his future, and that of his lover, Tokyo.
Anna Gras(Mercedes Colmenar), Fran Morcillo(Pablo Ruiz), Clara Alvarado(Ariadna Cascales), Juan Fernandez(Alfonso Prieto), Fernando Soto(Ángel Rubio), Mario de la Rosa(Suárez), Miquel García Borda(Alberto Vicuña), Agnès Llobet(Pilar), Roberto García Ruiz(Oslo), Pedro Pablo Isla(Jacinto)
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Uitgezonden op:
20 juni 2017, 00:00
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La Casa de Papel