Kamen Rider

8.5 / 10
23 min
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Seizoen 18, Aflevering 23

Variation: Fugitives Forever

In 1986, Ramon and Riki’s massage parlor is shut down for operating without a permit, so Jiro arranges for them to work at Mal d’Amour, leading Otoya to give Riki advice on love. Meanwhile, Maya is continuing to eliminate Fangires who have fallen in love with humans, but one Fangire named Shinji manages to escape her as he struggles with his relationship. In 2008, Megumi convinces Mio to model with her when one of the other models is ill, leading Wataru into a confrontation with the Grizzly Fangire!
Taketora Morita(Guard), Kenji Mizuhashi(Shinji Takeuchi), Mina Shimizu(Ryoko), Shôichi Asano(Boyfriend), Motohiro Fujishima(Civil Servant)
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Uitgezonden op:
29 juni 2008, 09:00
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Kamen Rider