
7.6 / 10
48 min
Actie, Drama, Avontuur
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Seizoen 3, Aflevering 9


The wife of a wealthy man is kidnapped and the gardener is killed trying to save her. Hunter and McCall investigate but the husband just wants his wife back, so he agrees to pay the ransom and his wife is returned. Hunter and McCall question her but get nothing. She later meets her lover, the kidnapper. And she's despondent over the gardener. But he reminds her of why they did it--the prenup her husband that her husband made her sign. Her husband's secretary figurs out what theyn did and tries to blackmail them but he kills her. Later when she decides to come forward he tries to kill her but Hunter saves her. Later her husband tells them that he will use everything at his disposal to defend her cause he blames himself for what happened.
Perry Cook(Mort), John Durbin(Kirschbaum), Peter Haskell(Roger Hennessy), Brent Spiner(Willie Vaughn), Anna Navarro(Mrs. Mikelski), Don Edmonds(Detective/Det. Raymond/Det. Rayford/Det. Raymar)
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Uitgezonden op:
13 december 1986, 00:00
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