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Seizoen 14, Aflevering 7

Paris Hilton Says "That's Hot" While Eating Spicy Wings

Paris Hilton is an entrepreneur, DJ, philanthropist, and business mogul. Her much-buzzed about documentary, This Is Paris, currently has more than 20 million views on her YouTube channel. And, she recently launched a podcast by the same name—check out This Is Paris wherever you get your podcasts. But how is she with spicy food? Find out as the OG influencer ventures beyond Taco Bell mild sauce into the realm of brutal hot sauces like Da Bomb and The Last Dab. As she takes on the wings of death, Paris discusses bottle-service scams, paparazzi evasion tactics, her relationship with the media, and the art of "sliving" (slaying + living). That's hot!
Paris Hilton(Self)
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Uitgezonden op:
11 Maart 2021, 17:00
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