Homicide: Life On The Street

8,0 / 10
45 min
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Seizoen 4, Aflevering 7


Lewis and Kellerman interview a suspect and uncover a 10-year-old crime, which is assigned to Howard and Munch. Tim lets Frank's secret about Mary's pregnancy slip out. Howard and Munch find the body from the 10-year-old murder bricked up in a wall. John has a date with Alyssa, the ME, but finds himself in bed with her new roommate before their date, so he begins avoiding her. Howard and Munch's murder suspect has a fascination for former Baltimore resident Edgar Allan Poe. Munch plays up that angle while trying to break their suspect.
Kristin Rohde(Sally Rogers), Kevin Conway
Nog onbekend
Nog onbekend
Uitgezonden op:
8 december 1995, 00:00
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Homicide: Life On The Street