Heartbeat (1992)

8.6 / 10
43 min
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Seizoen 4, Aflevering 3

Midday Sun

There is an outbreak of rabies which results in the garage owner's death. Blaketon is outraged at the owners if the dog which brought the disease into the country from abroad. However later they discover their own son has been bitten by the dog. Nick asks Claude to help the gamekeepers to look for the dog and the matter is resolved. Ashfordly Police have a new vehicle, which unfortunately Alf damages on its first time out!
Peter Firth(Dr. James Radcliffe), John MiddletonRichard HefferRay AshcroftJulia Lane(Christine Ferguson), Lizzie Mickery(Alice Halstead)
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Uitgezonden op:
18 september 1994, 17:00
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Heartbeat (1992)