Heartbeat (1992)

8.6 / 10
43 min
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Seizoen 14, Aflevering 19

Friends and Relations

Clare finds herself under suspicion when a wild party ends in tragedy with a drugs-related death, and Miller is annoyed to have to reprimand Walker once again when he discovers his participation in the drunken revelling. David is put in a tricky situation when his Aunt Peggy arrives in Aidensfield and sets up an illegal vodka still, while Ventress is quick to reveal the newcomer's dubious history to Oscar and Gina.
John Duttine(Sgt George Miller), Sophie Ward(Dr. Helen Trent), Vanessa Hehir(Rosie Cartwright), Gwen Taylor(Peggy Armstrong), Benedick Blythe(Gavin Kennedy)
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Uitgezonden op:
17 april 2005, 17:00
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Heartbeat (1992)