Ghost Whisperer

7.9 / 10
44 min
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Seizoen 1, Aflevering 22

The One

After a jetliner crashes Melinda faces the overwhelming task of helping hundreds of passengers crossover. While Melinda faces this task she finds that the “Wide Brim Man” is working against her. Melinda must also try to work with the crash investigators who are trying to find out how Melinda knew that the plane was going to crash.
David RamseyDondre WhitfieldScott RinkerChris EllisJon SedaTim GuineeRachel CannonHenry CzernyKyle ChavarriaAllison SmithMark Thompson(News Anchor), Graham Miller(Man), John Walcutt(Wide Brim Man)
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Uitgezonden op:
5 Mei 2006, 00:00
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Ghost Whisperer