Dragon Ball Kai

8.5 / 10
24 min
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Seizoen 0, Aflevering 7

An Eerie Entity; Who Exactly Is Spopovich?

Piccolo abandons his fight against Shin. Piccolo learns from Kibito that Shin is actually the Supreme Kai. The Supreme Kai is believed to be even more powerful than the Grand Kai. Videl is fighting against Spopovitch. Videl appears to get the upper hand in her match, but Spopovitch keeps getting up no matter how many times he is knocked down. He eventually fights back. Goku suspects that something is amiss about Spopovitch. Goku realizes that Spopovitch is no longer the same person as in the past and thinks that Videl must abandon the fight. The last time Spopovitch participated in the tournament, he barely lasted 5 seconds in front of Mr. Satan. Something has changed in him. He has acquired new powers. This proves true when he continues fighting even after Videl breaks his neck. Seeing his opponent tired, Spopovitch regains the lead over Videl. Videl attempts to use her flight to regain her strength, but Spopovitch follows her into the air and uses energy blasts against her.
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21 Mei 2014, 12:00
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Dragon Ball Kai