Dragon Ball Super

8.5 / 10
25 min
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Seizoen 5, Aflevering 53

A Transcendent Limit Break! Autonomous Ultra Instinct Mastered!

Goku tries the same trick he used on Kefla by powering up a Kamehameha while dodging and firing it at Jiren, but Jiren is able to block the attack and fire his own blast right through to Goku. Belmod is confident that Goku's incomplete Ultra Instinct will not be enough to win. Vegeta points out that throughout the Tournament of Power all of the Saiyans have been able to surpass their limits and achieve higher levels of power. Belmod is worried. Belmod shouts at Jiren to finish off Goku immediately. Jiren is able to trap Goku on a single floating rock and fires a barrage of attacks down at him in an attempt to knock him out, but Goku begins blocking Jiren's attacks with his own punches. Goku lands a solid blow on Jiren. Goku unleashes all of his power, which manifests as a galaxy-like nebula encompassing the entire area below the tournament stage. Jiren gathers all of his power and launches a final blast down at Goku, but Goku suddenly transforms again and powers up immensely.
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4 Maart 2018, 01:00
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Dragon Ball Super