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Seizoen 2, Aflevering 11

A Holy Woman Fallen Into Darkness

Lenalee and Eshii continue to fight fiercly in the air while the ship comes under attack from akuma hiding up in the clouds. Many crewman are struck by the blasts and killed, only to be revived by Miranda's Innocence. Lavi tries to determine how they can fight an enemy they can't see. Meanwhile, Lenalee and Eshii's battle reaches the ocean surface where Eshii reveals his true ability. He uses dark matter to create chains around Lenalee and the ship, increasing the gravity around them and dragging them underwater. Lenalee struggles to stay afloat, but Eshii pushes her down and she disappears into the ocean depths.Lavi and Krory then fisgured out a plan which is by using the Nature Seal to clear the clous and krory kill the akumas
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Uitgezonden op:
11 december 2007, 00:00
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