Coronation Street

7.6 / 10
20 min
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Seizoen 23, Aflevering 44

Episode 2209 (2nd June 1982)

Fred warns Annie that the Rover won't pass its MOT. Bet begs Alf to take her in. The Faircloughs tell Don Worthington that they'd like to foster Sharon long-term. Don isn't convinced it would be in Sharon's best interests to be with them. He accuses Sharon of forcing the Faircloughs to take her in and asks her to reconsider. Bet wins Alf round with emotional blackmail however, he refuses to charge her rent as she won't be staying for long. Len tells Sharon that they really want her to stay. Ken is amazed when Albert encourages him to have another child. Don doesn't want the Faircloughs to have Sharon long-term as he doesn't feel they're up to it. Rita tells him that Sharon has brought their parental feelings up and they all want to be together. Bet moves into the shop flat. Worthington agrees to let Sharon stay with the Faircloughs as she's nearly eighteen. He tells them all that they can never go back on the decision.
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Uitgezonden op:
2 juni 1982, 19:30
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Coronation Street