Coronation Street

7.6 / 10
20 min
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Seizoen 22, Aflevering 87

Episode 2148 (2nd November 1981)

Deirdre is alarmed to find that she has to man the shop whilst Audrey spends the day in her back room salon. Ida and Ivy find the market stall hard as they are too shy. Mike takes them off and puts Vera and Elsie back on. Vera leaves Elsie to man the stall whilst she helps George Carter on his lingerie stall for a larger commission, splitting half with Elsie. She enjoys the work and is tempted when George offers her a permanent job. Audrey decides she wants a car and tells Alf that he should have one so he can have more fun. Ronnie Burgess is remanded for social reports instead of given a sentence. The Tilsleys are horrified. Deirdre is left alone as Alf takes Audrey out. Alf decides to buy a car.
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Uitgezonden op:
2 november 1981, 19:30
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Coronation Street