
7.8 / 10
23 min
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Seizoen 18, Aflevering 22

Coast to Coast

When Det. Joe Lewis and Sgt. Jason Snyder of the Pittsburgh, PA, Bureau of Police stop a vehicle, the driver immediately speeds off and a chase ensues. Once apprehended, the suspect tells the undercover officers he was afraid of being sent to jail for having a small amount of “weed” in his pocket. However, as the investigation continues, we learn that the suspect has been convicted of a felony. Another segment features Officers Derrick Pendergrass and Zach Fuller of the Chattanooga, TN, Police Department stopping a vehicle for having tags that don’t match the car they are allegedly registered to, and for failure to maintain lanes. The driver appears very nervous and immediately hands the officers an empty plastic bag. This intoxicated suspect admits that beer somehow spilled in the front seat of his car
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Uitgezonden op:
11 Maart 2006, 00:00
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