Big Brother (UK)

7.3 / 10
43 min
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Seizoen 4, Aflevering 20

Day 17 Highlights

Watch as the housemates take on a task set by Big Brother, live to the nation. In tonight's task, the first of this series, Big Brother sets as simple game of tug-of-war. The housemates are also split into two opposing teams and a referee is decided on by the group, they choose Sissy. The green team (consisting of Gos, Steph, Jon, Justine and Scott) win the game, and they are rewarded with a couple hours time in a secret room never revealed to the housemates or the public prior to the task! The luxurious ""red"" room contains a dance floor, large amounts of champagne and, something the housemates were all craving, music. The losing team (Nush, Tania, Ray, Cameron and Federico) did not gain access to the room.
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31 Mei 2003, 00:00
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Big Brother (UK)