Being Human (US)

7.5 / 10
43 min
Comedy, Bovennatuurlijk
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Seizoen 2, Aflevering 12

Partial Eclipse of the Heart

Sally tries to convince Zoe not to turn her back on her gift; Josh is not sure if he should tell Julia the truth about himself; Aidan tries to make a life with Suren.
Dichen Lachman(Suren), Pat Kiely(Nick Fenn), Kyle Schmid(Henry Durham), Susanna Fournier(Zoe Gonzales), Natalie Brown(Julia), Gianpaolo Venuta(Danny Angeli), Andreas Apergis(Ray), Dawn Ford(Dutch Woman), Deena Aziz(Mother), Kyle Gatehouse(Atlee), Chip Chuipka(Strung Out Ghost), Catherine Bérubé(Chelsea), Anne Day-Jones(Valerie), Jamie Mayers(Ray's Son (as James Mayers)), Christie Claymore(Café Waitress), Alexandre Gorchkov(Hotel Desk Clerk (as Alexander Gorchkov))
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Uitgezonden op:
2 april 2012, 21:00
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Being Human (US)