Behind The Music

8.7 / 10
60 min
Muziek, Documentaire
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Seizoen 1, Aflevering 21

David Crosby

An advanced pop musician by anyone's standards, David Crosby has become a poster boy for a crash and burn hippie culture. From his early days with the Byrds, he had a wild twinkle in his eye, and while recording political and romantic hymns like "Wooden Ships" and "Guinevere" during the '60s and '70s, the superb vocalist was sewing the seeds of the profoundly drugged-out lifestyle to come. Crosby's friend Carl Gottlieb describes him as a fundamentalist hedonist, awash in stimulants and free sex. At first, he was able to make great music with Graham Nash and Stephen Stills, but eventually his addiction overtook his passion for music. By 1985, after his friends attempted to intervene, an Olympian appetite for cocaine had taken him from the comfort of stardom to the cold arms of the Texas prison system. Behind the Music is there as Crosby's subsequent redemption fails to prevent a life-threatening liver transplant, but ends up yielding a son he had abandoned 32 years before.
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Uitgezonden op:
22 Maart 1998, 00:00
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Behind The Music