
7.8 / 10
22 min
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Seizoen 3, Aflevering 24

Trials and Defibrillations

As the series' third season comes to a close, John Becker is being taken to court by a patient who claims the doctor almost killed him. The patient, Vinny, is suing John for allegedly causing him to have a heart attack by taking him to a gym for a workout. John maintains that Vinny would have had the heart attack anyway and that going to the gym had nothing to do with it. Defending John from his insurance company is a pretty attorney, and, of course, John finds fault with her, too. She refuses to let the hot-tempered doctor take the stand, fearing that he won't be able to keep a lid on his anger.
Marvin KaplanKenneth MarsMariel HemingwayJudyann Elder(Judge Miriam Reinhold)
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Uitgezonden op:
14 Mei 2001, 00:00
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