As the World Turns

8.4 / 10
43 min
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Seizoen 52, Aflevering 22

Ep. #13006

Will goes after Casey when he attempts to tell Maddie goodbye. Henry overhears Vienna giving Maddie some words of wisdom and then goes to see Casey, Henry then thanks her for making Maddie feel good. Paul tells Meg that Alison sounds like Rosanna and will use her voice to make Craig think Rosanna came out of her coma. Maddie and Casey share an emotional goodbye as he heads off to prison. Lucinda tells Alison about the project that she and Paul are working on. Emily wants to know why the suddden change in Alison from excited to tired when says she doesn't want to get a pedicure anymore. Gwen comes face-to-face with Cleo. Source:
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Uitgezonden op:
2 Mei 2007, 14:00
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As the World Turns