As the World Turns

8.4 / 10
43 min
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Seizoen 47, Aflevering 32

Ep. #11756

Molly prepares for Jakes memorial and her friends and family gather to offer their support. Abigail and Adam share a tender break-up, and he informs her of his plan to go to USC for their film program. Meanwhile, Molly refuses to leave Mabels, wanting to stay close to Jake. Kim dances with Molly and when she is feeling stronger, she goes outside, only to come face-to-face with Donna and Marley. Alison and Lucy arrive, looking for Aaron. While Alison keeps an eye on him, Lily gives Lucy a standing invitation to ride horses at the Snyder barn whenever she wants. At the police station, Rose fills out a report about her break-in. She and Paul leave to visit Carly, who is recovering from Westons treatment. Rose is skeptical about Bob duplicating Westons process when she hears him discussing it with John and notes how uncomfortable Carly is. Carly urges Rose that it is worth it to reclaim her life. Rose agrees and goes to inform Weston that they dont need him to perform the process. Craig overhears Carly and Jack vowing their love to each other in the hospital and goes to Java, where he runs into Rosanna. Rosanna asks Craig to take her to Jakes memorial. Craig accuses Rosanna of trying to take over Carlys life. Craig eventually decides to accompany her, no matter what her intentions are. In Scotland, Isaac persuades Bonnie to take a look at Ians financial books. When she does, they discover that Ian is not strapped for money, which destroys Isaacs theory. Even though he was wrong, Isaac convinces her to look for Billy in the dungeon.
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Uitgezonden op:
15 Mei 2002, 14:00
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As the World Turns