As the World Turns

8.4 / 10
43 min
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Seizoen 47, Aflevering 146

Ep. #11870

Abigail breaks the news to Molly that she is going to go to California with Adam. When Rosanna cant find Craig, she assumes he spent the night with Carly. She confronts him and he reveals that Lucy ran away. Rosanna tries to comfort him, but Craig walks out on her. Molly arranges a meeting with Rosanna, which Mike inadvertently finds out about. Molly asks Rosanna not to show Mike her check to the Burn Unit. Rosanna reluctantly agrees to let Molly tell Mike the truth. Mike shows up and reprimands Rosanna for harassing Molly. Molly announces that there is something she needs to tell Mike. At the police station, Carly reminds Jack that he agreed to meet the photographer.
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25 Oktober 2002, 14:00
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As the World Turns