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The Familiar of Zero
Kotomi Yamakawa

Kotomi Yamakawa

Leeftijd: 42
Geboren: 12 maart 1982 , Hokkaido, Japan
Kotomi Yamakawa (山川 琴美, Yamakawa Kotomi, March 12) is a Japanese voice actress from Hokkaido Prefecture. She is affiliated with Haikyo, formerly with Ken Production and Genki Project. Hosoda Nana and Saotome Aya is aliases of Yamakawa Kotomi for adult games and anime.
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Kotomi Yamakawa

Biografie Kotomi Yamakawa

Leeftijd: 42
Geboren: 12 maart 1982 , Hokkaido, Japan
Kotomi Yamakawa (山川 琴美, Yamakawa Kotomi, March 12) is a Japanese voice actress from Hokkaido Prefecture. She is affiliated with Haikyo, formerly with Ken Production and Genki Project.

Hosoda Nana and Saotome Aya is aliases of Yamakawa Kotomi for adult games and anime.

