7th Heaven

7.7 / 10
42 min
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Seizoen 5, Aflevering 22

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Mary tries to right a wrong by explaining to Lucy that she never had adult relations with her sister's fiance. The only problem left is trying to convince Lucy. Wilson unexpectedly drops by the Camden home from New York to see if he and Mary are really over by finding out her answer. James talks to Eric about him attempting to have an affair with Annie as Serena comes clean with Annie about her trying to have an affair with Eric. Robbie and Wilson set aside their differences so that they can talk about Mary. Matt learns a few things when it comes to Cheryl's honesty when she doesn't tell her friends that she's dating him.
Jessica Biel(Mary Camden-Rivera), Adam LaVorgna(Robbie Palmer), Dorian Harewood(Morgan Hamilton), Chaz Lamar Shepherd(John Hamilton), Andrew Keegan(Wilson West), Barret Swatek(Cheryl), Andrea C. Pearson(Priscilla Carter), David Lago(Jeremy), Jane A. Rogers(Serena), Beau Billingslea(Gene Carter), James Remar(James Carver), Tony Alda(Bartender)
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Uitgezonden op:
21 Mei 2001, 00:00
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7th Heaven