
8.8 / 10
120 min
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Seizoen 2, Aflevering 19

Judgement (10)

When Defne's bag is found at the crime scene, Ilgaz's world falls apart. Moreover, Metin's situation is critical, and the magnitude of the evil that this gang dealing with them can do now makes everyone nervous. Resolving the "dead bride" case as soon as possible is also very important in terms of finding Defne. Ilgaz, Ceylin and the people around them put their lives in their teeth and focus on solving the incident as soon as possible. While the secrets of Çetin, are revealed one by one, the biggest reflection of this is the relationship between Osman and Aylin. Eyüp, who attracts Çınar's attention, unexpectedly comes with a move that will be in the middle of events. Ceylin is the biggest supporter of Ilgaz, who believes that all kinds of roads can be walked when it comes to "protecting her loved ones", but it will not be easy to find Defne. They are faced with a more serious and dangerous gang than they anticipated, and Ilgaz falls into a great dilemma to save Defne.
Doğaç Yıldız(Ömer Tilmen/Yakup Atamer), Alper Çankaya(Eyüp Böceli)
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5 februari 2023, 20:00
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