
8.8 / 10
120 min
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Seizoen 2, Aflevering 17

Judgement (8)

Ceylin finds herself in a new dilemma. The threatening phone call he received in connection with the case will create a new tension with Ilgaz, with whom she is already at odds. Will the sense of protecting the man she loves on the one hand, and the reflex of reaching the truth in the case as soon as possible, on the other hand, be enough to keep them together? In the investigation of the "bride found dead on the wedding day", Ilgaz and Eren are after exactly what happened on the wedding day. With every truth revealed in the case, a strange web of relationships is revealed. While Yekta Tilmen tries to get to know his son Ömer even better, Ömer's unpredictable behavior will surprise him day by day. Ilgaz, who has faced many threats due to his profession so far, is concerned with not compromising justice in any way. But no one, including Ilgaz, could have foreseen that the scale of the threat would be so large and serious.Increasing threats will change the entire course of the case.
Doğaç Yıldız(Ömer Tilmen/Yakup Atamer), Alper Çankaya(Eyüp Böceli)
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22 januari 2023, 20:00
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