X-Men: The Animated Series

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23 min
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Seizoen 5, Aflevering 4

No Mutant Is an Island

Cyclops, still in mourning after Jean Grey's "death", quits the X-men and returns to his orphanage home and encounters his friend Sarah. She tells him that a wealthy man has decided to adopt all the mutant children, especially Rusty, but his intentions are to make them his army to destroy all humans in the world so that mutants are accepted. It's up to Cyclops to stop him and save the mutant children. Later, Cyclops returns to the mansion and he and the other X-men discover that Jean Grey hasn't died after all.
Hadley KayTara Strong
Nog onbekend
Nog onbekend
Uitgezonden op:
21 september 1996, 11:30
Reacties (1)
10 feb 2023 19:37 - 10 feb 2023 18:37
Op Disney+ staat deze aflevering in seizoen 3, aflevering 8. Het speelt zich dan direct na de "Phoenix Saga" af.
X-Men: The Animated Series