
7.7 / 10
23 min
Fantasy, Comedy, Animatie, Kinder
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Seizoen 1, Aflevering 21

Escape From Cavigor

Elyon misses her parents and Phobos agrees to let them visit Elyon. However, when the guardians find out that Elyon's parents are held captive in the Cavigor prison, they go in and try to bust them out. But the task is easier said than done when Elyon's parents have been hypnotized, with the addition of hundreds of guard led by Cedric chasing them and the task of freeing hundred of prisoners. In the end, they free everybody including Elyon's parents, which makes Elyon worry about what the rebels will do to them.
Vanessa Marshall(Eleanor Brown (voice)), Mark L. Taylor(Thomas Brown (voice))
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Uitgezonden op:
27 juni 2005, 00:00
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