
7.7 / 10
23 min
Fantasy, Comedy, Animatie, Kinder
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Seizoen 1, Aflevering 13

Stop the Presses

Phobos is preparing the Ritual of Amalgamation. He needs symbols of Elyon's body, mind, and spirit. Cedric takes her hairbrush, A+ math test, and is trying to take her breath. Meanwhile, Martin catches a glimpse of a Hermeneuta beast from Meridian and the only thing that will get him away long enough for the girls to send it back home is a date with Irma. Catching the little beast is not as easy as it sounds, especially when the mom shows up. In the end, Cedric finally captures Elyon's breath in a balloon and all that's left is to take her to Meridian.
Cam Clarke(Dean Collins (voice)), Courtney Peldon(Courtney Grumper (voice))
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Uitgezonden op:
23 april 2005, 00:00
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