Wild 'N Out

8.1 / 10
23 min
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Seizoen 3, Aflevering 2

Pharrell Williams, Clipse, Fat Joe

Fat Joe is the leader of the black team in this episode. The first game is "So Fly". The teammates brag about their team captain. The red team wins. The next game is "Home Jeeves". The team captain is the limo driver and they have to guess who is in the limo. The red team wins that one. Then they play "Remix". The red team sings "There Goes The Bride" and the Black Team sings "Jack Be Nimble". The black team wins. They do wildstyle. Then Clipps and Pharell perform.
Pharrell WilliamsFat Joe
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Uitgezonden op:
17 augustus 2006, 00:00
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Wild 'N Out