
7.5 / 10
20 min
Fantasy, Animatie, Kinder
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Seizoen 3, Aflevering 12

The Hyperzaap

Oropo is about to open the Hyperzaap and use it to destroy the gods. As he reveals his true intentions and the fact that he lied to everyone, with the Sadida Demi-Goddess revealing that it was he who set the world's tragedies into motion, such as Nox finding the Eliacube and Ogrest turning into the demon he was, his brotherhood of demigods start to turn against him. He uses his powers to send Yugo into a coma, where he confronts his demons in the forms of Qilby and Nox, who he had been suffering waking nightmares from since he arrived at the tower.
Dorothée Pousséo(Adamaï (voice)), Bruno Choël(Master Goultard), Benjamin Pascal(Noximilien Coxen), Gérard Surugue(Mubilax (voice)), Hélène Bizot(Echo (voice)), Franck Lorrain(Oropo (voice)), Emmylou Homs(Coqueline (voice)), Boris Rehlinger(Bump (voice)), Céline Melloul(Dathura (voice)), Laurent Morteau(Qilby (voice)), Cathy Diraison(Arpagone (voice)), Nathanel Alimi(Ush (voice)), Jean-François Vlerick(Sipho)
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Uitgezonden op:
17 september 2017, 09:30
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