
7.5 / 10
20 min
Fantasy, Animatie, Kinder
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Seizoen 0, Aflevering 6

The Quest for the Six Dofus Eliatropes - Book 2: Ush

In this 2nd episode, our heroes held captive in Harebourg's icy prison, discover Joris, Kerub, and Atcham trapped in blocks of ice. Once freed, the prisoners explain how they came into possession of the six Eliatrope Dofus, and how they lost them. The members of a mysterious brotherhood, the Forgotten Fraternity, took them. To what end? No one seems to know. But t they've worked since the beginning of time to write history as they want it written... While Otomai and Adamai continue their quest for Dofus in the Kingdom of the Winds, Yugo joins Joris, Atcham and Kerub to explore the Ecaflip Dimension. Amalia, Ruel, Percedal and his family go back to the Sadida Kingdom to save it from the waters...
Dorothée Pousséo(Adamaï (voice)), Bruno Choël(Master Goultard), Gérard Surugue(Mubilax (voice)), Caroline Lallau(Elely), Karl-Line Heller(Flopin), Yoann Sover(Master Joris (voice)), Jean-Claude Donda(Kerub Crepin (voice)), Bernard Alane(Atcham Crepin (voice)), François Siener(Luis (voice)), Mathias Kozlowski(Ogrest (Beast Form) (voice)), Philippe Dumont(King Sheran Sharm (voice)), Mark Lesser(Otomaï (voice)), Jonathan Amram(Ush (voice)), David Krüger(Remington Smisse (voice))
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Uitgezonden op:
22 november 2014, 09:30
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