
7.5 / 10
20 min
Fantasy, Animatie, Kinder
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Seizoen 0, Aflevering 11

Oropo: Battle for the Eliacube

Drawn to the power of the Eliacube, Oropo and his siblings make their way to Oma Island to face off against Grougaloragran and claim the device for themselves.
Hélène Bizot(Echo (voice)), Franck Lorrain(Oropo (voice)), Jérémie Covillault(Bouillon (voice)), Vincent Ropion(Ripulse (voice)), Marie Bouvier(Desperia (voice)), Frantz Confiac(Grougaloragran (voice)), Anthony Audoux(Atone (voice)), Auréline Raynal(Chibi / Eliotrope (voice)), Rémi Goutalier(Sidaire (voice))
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Uitgezonden op:
17 november 2023, 09:30
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