Upstairs, Downstairs

7.8 / 10
50 min
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Seizoen 3, Aflevering 3

A Change of Scene

James' weekend visit to Somerby Park, with Hudson in tow as his valet, presents an opportunity for both to appreciate their beloved Eaton Place and what they've left behind there.
Simon Williams(James Bellamy), David Langton(Richard Bellamy), John Quayle(Lieutenant Watson), Helen Lindsay(Mrs. Wills), Meg Wynn OwenClive MortonAnthony AinleyChristopher BenjaminRichard Vernon(Major Cochrane-Danby), Celia Bannerman(Lady Diana Russell), Anthony Dawes(Breeze), John Flint(Henry), Annette Woollett(Miss Celia Grey), Patricia Lawrence(Mrs. Kenton)
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Uitgezonden op:
10 november 1973, 00:00
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Upstairs, Downstairs