7.6 / 10
42 min
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Seizoen 1, Aflevering 5


The crew heads to Mississippi for Faith’s hometown date with Adam. Rachel makes a startling discovery about Faith, and enlists the help of Adam to protect her. Jeremy and Rachel take the first step towards mending their friendship. Meanwhile, Quinn sues Chet and Shia takes drastic measures to boost a girl’s popularity.
Genevieve Buechner(Madison), Brennan Elliott(Graham), Amy Hill(Dr. Wagerstein), Christie Laing(Shamiqua), Siobhan Williams(Lizzie), Natasha Wilson(Maya), STEPHANIE BENNETT(Pepper), JR Bourne(Bill DeYoung), Malea Mitchell(Amy Georges), Peter Benson(Jeff Kidd), Michael Kopsa(Chet's Attorney), Maxine Miller(Gran), Arjun Mallick(Editor)
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Uitgezonden op:
29 juni 2015, 20:00
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