Tower Prep

7.3 / 10
45 min
Actie, Drama, Fantasy, Avontuur
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Seizoen 1, Aflevering 11


Ian suspects Cal is a spy for Headmaster just as the group's escape plan begins to come together. When he finds Cal in CJ's room, Ian begins to suspect CJ is giving Cal inside information. Elsewhere, a group of students known as The Broken are discovered in the woods. Emily Wright then reveals that she intends to join The Broken and their resistance. These actions may have also led to the Art teacher's dismissal (Art was the faculty advisor for the school newspaper). The group agrees to meet The Broken, but find their hideout empty. Ian and CJ clear their trust issues, and Headmaster meets with the school's head administration, telling them that The Broken is mended, but Ian is still "broken", but not for long.
Travis Turner(Guide)
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Uitgezonden op:
21 december 2010, 00:00
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Tower Prep