Tower Prep

7.3 / 10
45 min
Actie, Drama, Fantasy, Avontuur
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Seizoen 1, Aflevering 10

Phone Home

On his birthday, Ian demands to speak to his parents. Headmaster allows the call, but it is later revealed that it was really Whisper impersonating his mother. Suki spies on Headmaster's office and sees her brother, Shinji, who she believed was dead, he was once a student at Tower Prep. Knowing her brother plans to later call home, Suki attempts to piggyback onto the signal with a homemade satellite phone. As the group are about to reach the roof of the nearest satellite point they a blocked by a gaping hole. When they are about to swing across CJ kisses Ian, since earlier he had admitted he had never kissed a girl. When they get across they discover Whisper was upgraded from version 119 to Whisper 120. They then successfully make the call, but Ian's mom claims that it was to dangerous to talk and hangs up.
Tim Fellingham
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Uitgezonden op:
21 december 2010, 00:00
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Tower Prep