Touched by an Angel

8.2 / 10
43 min
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Seizoen 2, Aflevering 3

Sympathy for the Devil

Matt Duncan books rodeo into an arena he manages not realizing that his estranged father is one of the feature attractions. Ty Duncan is a grizzled veteran of the rodeo circuit and wants to reconcile with his son before he dies. Monica's who's acting as Matt's bookkeeper, is horrified to learn that the midway's fortune teller is Kathleen, a former friend and fallen Angel, who is determined to keep father and son apart. She decides to focus on little Daniel Duncan, who had previously been told his grandfather was dead. Kathleen makes sure that Ty meets Danny, which infuriates Matt who is led to believe Monica is at fault. The ""dark angel"" also makes a pass at him, since his wife is out of town. After the youngster slips into the corral of a dangerous bull, Monica rescues him and then intercedes in the resulting fight between Matt and Ty. She reveals she was sent to end the cycle of hatred between father and son and to uncover Kathleen as a force of evil. Ty makes a memorable fi
Stacy KeachJasmine Guy(Erica Gruwell), Miko HughesRobert Kelker-Kelly
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Uitgezonden op:
7 Oktober 1995, 00:00
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Touched by an Angel