The Thick of It

8.5 / 10
25 min
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Seizoen 3, Aflevering 5

Episode 5

After weeks of trading bitter blows in the press, DoSAC minister Nicola Murray MP and her shadow Peter Mannion MP are invited onto BBC Radio 5Live for a debate on Richard Bacon's late-night phone-in programme. Director of communications Malcolm Tucker and opposition PR guru Stewart Pearson decide to listen in the comfort of their respective offices, but when some breaking news threatens to make things difficult for the politicians, the programme quickly turns into a phone-in like no other. Malcolm and Stewart are left no choice but to start getting their people over to the studios.
Roger Allam(Peter Mannion), Vincent Franklin(Stewart Pearson), Olivia Poulet(Emma Messinger), Richard Bacon(Richard Bacon), Sara Pascoe(Janice)
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Uitgezonden op:
21 november 2009, 00:00
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The Thick of It