The Middle

8,0 / 10
21 min
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Seizoen 8, Aflevering 15

Dental Hijinks

Frankie gets Mike to go see the dentist about his toothache, and the two collude to convince her that there's nothing wrong with his teeth; Axl, Hutch and Kenny decide to sell the Winnebago; Brick works on writing a historical musical.
Alphonso McAuley(Hutch), Daniela Bobadilla(Lexie Brooks), Keaton Savage(Tyler), Tommy Bechtold(Kenny), Jack McBrayer(Dr. Ted Goodwin), Will Green(Jeremy), Galen Howard(Man), Jamaal Hepburn(Guy), Kai Schulz(Guy), Jessie Sherman(Julia), Austin Levenson(Freshman), Nathaniel Stroud(Freshman)
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Uitgezonden op:
21 februari 2017, 20:00
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The Middle