The Middle

8,0 / 10
21 min
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Seizoen 3, Aflevering 7

Halloween II

After being embarrassed over wearing a childish costume at a high school Halloween costume party and being ignored by the guys, Sue asks a flabbergasted Mike for his advice on what boys want when it comes to girls. Meanwhile, Frankie reluctantly volunteers to take Brick's socially awkward school social skills group trick-or-treating, and Axl and his friends devise a plan to trick rather than treat the neighborhood kids on Halloween.
Beau Wirick(Sean Donahue), John Gammon(Darrin), Devan Leos(Henry), Mason Cook(Corey), Andrew J. Fishman(Zack), Aidan Potter(Scott), Jake Giles Netter(Theo), Karly Rothenberg(Woman), Hailey Sole(Girl), Brady Allen(Little Boy), Chris Chauncey(Man)
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Uitgezonden op:
26 Oktober 2011, 20:00
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The Middle