The Middle

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21 min
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Seizoen 3, Aflevering 15

Valentine's Day III

Frankie and Mike decide to try a fresh approach to Valentine's Day by having dinner out with friends. But a clueless Mike angers Frankie by refusing to present her with a simple romantic gesture. Meanwhile, Axl can't think of a life-changing moment that's occurred in his life when he's assigned to write a school paper on the subject, Brick is tasked with writing a report on love, and a hapless Sue doesn't understand why her new boyfriend has suddenly turned into a bad kisser.
Blaine Saunders(Carly), Beau Wirick(Sean Donahue), John Gammon(Darrin), Julie Brown(Paula Norwood), Pat Finn(Bill Norwood), Sean O'Bryan(Ron Donahue), Jen Ray(Nancy Donahue), Moises Arias(Matt), Sara Van Horn(Woman Selling Roses), Chris Erric Maddox(Waiter)
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Uitgezonden op:
8 februari 2012, 20:00
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The Middle