The Middle

8,0 / 10
21 min
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Seizoen 3, Aflevering 11

A Christmas Gift

On a tipsy whim - and against Mike's wishes - Frankie decides to throw a Christmas Eve party at the house; Mike buys Frankie a much needed new dishwasher for Christmas, but has a hard time keeping it a secret when she begs him to replace the old one before the party; Sue calls on Reverend TimTom to explain the meaning of Christmas to Brick when he reads the Bible and begins to question it; and Axl gets annoyed with Bob when he tries too hard to be cool in order to befriend him while working together on a Christmas tree lot.
Chris Kattan(Bob), Malcolm Foster Smith(Dave), Paul Hipp(Reverend TimTom), Julie Brown(Paula Norwood), Pat Finn(Bill Norwood), Jen Ray(Nancy Donahue), Brianne Howey(Emily), Virginia McMath(Darrin's Mom)
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Uitgezonden op:
7 december 2011, 20:00
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The Middle