The Middle

8,0 / 10
21 min
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Seizoen 2, Aflevering 12

The Big Chill

Mike freezes Frankie out because he can't fathom how she inadvertently paid $200 for a small bottle of eye cream that she thought was priced at $20. Meanwhile, Axl's fathering techniques are put to the test when he has to take care of a mechanical infant doll for health class, and Sue and Brick desperately search for a way to fix a hole that they caused in Sue's bedroom wall.
Chris Kattan(Bob), Rick Overton(Obadiah), America Young(Gap Manager), Carolyn Wilson(Woman Visitor), Rebecca Ann Johnson(Saleswoman), Drake Kemper(Best Buy Manager), Michelle Pascarella(Starbucks Manager Mel)
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Uitgezonden op:
12 januari 2011, 20:00
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The Middle