The Fosters (2013)

8.3 / 10
41 min
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Seizoen 4, Aflevering 1

Potential Energy

Callie admits her past relationship with Brandon to her moms. But before Stef and Lena can even process the information, the school goes into a “Code Blue” lockdown when it’s discovered Mariana’s boyfriend Nick showed up with his father’s gun after seeing her kiss her ex-boyfriend Mat.
Annika Marks(Monte Porter), Mark Totty(Craig Stratos), Amanda Leighton(Emma Kurtzman), Izabela Vidovic(Taylor), Anna Grace Barlow(Zoey), Jordan Rodrigues(Mat Tan), Jay Ali(Mr. Timothy), Louis Hunter(Nick Stratos), Michael Traynor(Craig), Madison Pettis(Daria), Joel Johnstone(Scott Frey), Debbon Ayer(Parent #1), Billy Mayo(Security Guard), Jasmine Alveran(Stasia), Makayla Lysiak(Friend), Antonio Leon(Commanding Officer Cowa), Napoleon Tavale(Swat #1), Rico E. Anderson(Swat #2), Adam Lieberman(Swat #3), Malika Williams(Teacher)
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20 juni 2016, 20:00
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The Fosters (2013)