The Fosters (2013)

8.3 / 10
41 min
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Seizoen 2, Aflevering 18

Now Hear This

Mariana finds it difficult to deal with impending changes at home and focuses her attention on organizing a student protest over an administrative incident at school. Meanwhile, when she learns Kiara is back in town and on the streets, Callie is willing to do anything she can in order to help her friend, even if that means disobeying Stef’s orders and putting herself in danger. Jude finally confronts Connor over the mixed messages he’s been sending, leading to a make-or-break moment in their friendship.
Annika Marks(Monte Porter), Kerr Smith(Robert Quinn), Izabela Vidovic(Taylor), Daffany Clark(Daphne Keene), Madison Pettis(Daria), Gavin MacIntosh(Connor Stevens), Ashley Argota(Lou Chan), Cherinda Kincherlow(Kiara), Rosie O'Donnell(Rita Hendricks), Alicia Sixtos(Carmen)
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2 Maart 2015, 20:00
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The Fosters (2013)